The General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 2009 revised the canons known as Title IV to make clergy discipline first and foremost a process of discernment, mediation, and pastoral response rather than one that is legalistic and judicial. The process now models those used in the medical, legal, and social work professions. The revised canons went into effect on July 1, 2011.
Canon 1 of Title IV sets the theological context for the process: “By virtue of Baptism, all members of the Church are called to holiness of life and accountability to one another. The Church and each Diocese shall support their members in their life in Christ and seek to resolve conflicts by promoting healing, repentance, forgiveness, restitution, justice, amendment of life, and reconciliation among all involved or affected. This Title applies to Members of the Clergy, who have by their vows at ordination accepted additional responsibilities and accountability for doctrine, discipline, worship, and obedience.” Contacting an Intake OfficerThe Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina has two intake officers. You may contact either of the following to start the process, or find help in deciding if this is the right path for your concern (click either name to begin an email):
The intake officer will:
Please note: Members of the clergy are required to report to the intake officer anything that may constitute an offense and to cooperate with the clergy disciplinary process. If you would like to review more information about the clergy disciplinary process, visit the following website: |
Title IV Team MembersClergy:
The Rev. Ricardo Bailey The Rev. Cn. Rob Donehue The Rev. Jennie Olbrych The Rev. Denise Trogdon The Very Rev. Bill Watson Lay: Tommy Bultman George Geer Pat Neuman Cheri Thayer Church Attorney: Erin Bailey Pastoral Response Coordinator: The Rev. Ross Tortora Advisors: The Rev. Courtney Davis-Shoemaker The Rev. Deacon James Pecoy The Rev. Dow Sanderson Diocesan Liaisons: The Right Rev. Ruth Woodliff-Stanley Skip Utsey, Chancellor Melinda Kelley, Vice Chancellor The Rev. Canon Philip C. Linder |