"We All Are Ministers"
Report on the Convention Constitution & Canons Delegates voted to approve changes in the governing documents of the diocese that restore language acknowledging the diocese as part of the wider church and agreeing to be governed by the TEC Constitution and Canons. Changing the Constitution of the diocese requires approval at two consecutive annual conventions. On Saturday, the Convention first voted to give second and final approval to the Constitution that was initially approved at the 222nd Annual Convention in March 2013. That document essentially restored the Constitution to 2007, before breakaway church leaders revised the governing documents of the diocese to remove references to The Episcopal Church. Next, delegates voted to approve a new Constitution, a more thoroughly updated and revised document. The 2014 Constitution must be approved at the next Annual Convention in 2015 to become effective. The Convention also approved the new 2014 Canons and Rules of Order, which become effective immediately. View all of these documents on the Constitution & Canons page. New Missions Another early item on the agenda was the report of the Committee on New Parishes and Missions. Their recommendation was greeted with a standing ovation: Five worship groups were officially recognized as missions of the diocese, and their representatives took their seats among the delegations at Convention. Later, interspersed through the morning’s business, each group got a moment to be introduced with a procession into the church complete with banners, flags, hymns and applause. The new missions of The Episcopal Church in South Carolina are: The Episcopal Church on Edisto Good Shepherd, Summerville St. Anne's, Conway St. Catherine's, Florence St. Francis, Charleston That brings to 27 the number of parishes and missions that are in union with Convention. The diocese also has active worshiping communities in Okatie, East Cooper, and Myrtle Beach that could apply as missions at future Conventions. Find a complete list of Episcopal Church congregations here. Budget The Convention also approved the 2014 budget, which can be viewed here. Election results Elections were held for diocesan offices and for Deputies to the General Convention in 2014: Standing Committee Lay: Dr. Frances Elmore, Dr. Scott Shaffer Clergy: The Rev. Chris Huff, the Rev. Jean McGraw Diocesan Council Lay: Jim Gettys, Carol Grish Clergy: The Rev. Alastair Votaw, the Rev. David Williams Trustee, University of the South Jane Hart Lewis Trustee, The Episcopal Church in South Carolina The Rev. Donald S. McPhail Deputies to the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church Lay Deputies: Thomas Tisdale, Lonnie Hamilton, Mary Ann Foy, Andrea McKellar Lay Alternates: Dr. Charles Geer, Melinda A. Lucka, Barbara Mann, Dr. James Hutchisson Clergy Deputies:The Rev. Jim Taylor, the Rev. Dr. Wilmot T. Merchant II, the Rev. Richard C. Lindsey, the Rev. Cn. J. Michael A. Wright Clergy alternates: The Rev. Wil Keith, the Rev. Rick Luoni, the Rev. Jean McGraw and the Rev. Jeff Richardson Report of Institutions and participating organizations The Report of Institutions can be read here. The following institutions submitted reports to the Convention: Bishop Gadsden Retirement Community * Kanuga * The University of the South - Sewanee York Place/Thompson Child & Family Focus* Porter-Gaud School* Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community Voorhees College* Those marked with an asterisk (*) above also sent representatives to present reports to the Convention. Bishop Gadsden, Sewanee and Voorhees also had exhibit tables during Convention. Other exhibitors included: Charleston Port and Seafarers Society Church Insurance Group Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy Dominican Republic Mission Group Education for Ministry Episcopal Forum of South Carolina Episcopal Relief and Development Order of St. Helena Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross Social media
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Bishop Curry's Sermon at the Convention Eucharist Click on the audio player below: Bishop Michael Curry
Prayer for Diocesan Convention
Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in The Episcopal Church in South Carolina for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP p. 818)
Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in The Episcopal Church in South Carolina for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP p. 818)