Taking the priorities coming out of the listening sessions, the Strategic Visioning Team formed two working groups with 22 people from across the Diocese to address those areas by developing goals and initiatives. The deans and the staff in the Office of the Bishop provided helpful feedback as the team worked through each phase. Through this collaborative effort, this vision represents a building of consensus from the many voices that represent the diversity of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina that empowers lay people while utilizing the current deanery structure.
For each initiative, recommendations include:
The team hopes that the members of the Diocese, and leaders in particular, find these recommendations useful and inspiring. There will be a continued partnership between diocesan leadership and the rest of our members over the next couple of years to make this vision a reality, and feedback is always welcomed about the recommendations and suggestions for implementation. This plan is a living document. That is, as this initial work begins to take shape and bear fruit, this plan represents a starting point for ongoing and substantive discernment about how we work together to become Beloved Community here and now. |
Quick LinksStrategic Visioning ProcessTeam members from the two working groups tasked with developing goals and initiatives for the plan, shared their thoughts on the process in this video that was shared at our 233rd Diocesan Convention in November 2023.
Earlier this year, Bishop Ruth Woodliff-Stanley called on a group of leaders from around the Diocese of South Carolina to begin a strategic visioning process that will allow us to develop a clear vision, mission and set of goals for the next chapter of our life together.
A great deal of preparation has gone into this work already. We have secured a consultant to assist in this process, Ms. Katie Ong. We have assembled the Visioning Team and named its co-leaders, Ms. Ray Sabalis and Ms. Deb Harris. And we have established a timeline for our process. We are now entering the phase in which we hope to receive as much input as we can from members of the Diocese about our common hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. We will be conducting Listening Sessions on Zoom so that the Visioning Team can hear from you. The schedule of Listening Sessions and the Zoom link is further down this page. After the Strategic Vision is drafted and reviewed by key leadership bodies, we plan to present it for adoption at the 233rd Convention of the Diocese, November 2-4, 2023. |
Introductory Video |