Thanksgiving Services
Thanksgiving Day is a Feast Day on The Episcopal Church Calendar.

Almighty and gracious Father, we give you thanks for the fruits of the earth in their season and for the labors of those who harvest them. Make us, we pray, faithful stewards of your great bounty, for the provision of our necessities and the relief of all who are in need, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (The Book of Common Prayer)
Tuesday, November 26
Charleston Community Thanksgiving, 7 pm at Second Presbyterian Church at 342 Meeting Street. A potluck dinner will follow and anyone is welcome to bring a side or dessert, but it is not required.
Wednesday, November 27
St. Mark's, Port Royal: 5 pm Thanksgiving Eve Service
Good Shepherd, Summerville: 6 pm Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist
Grace Church Cathedral, Charleston: 5:30 pm Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist
Thursday, November 28
Calvary, Charleston: 10 am Holy Eucharist
Grace Church Cathedral, Charleston: 10 am Choral Eucharist
Holy Cross Faith Memorial, Pawleys Island: 10 am Holy Eucharist
St. Stephens, North Myrtle Beach: 10 am Holy Eucharist with a Thanksgiving dinner to follow (check with church to sign up for what you will bring)
All Saints, Hilton Head Island: 3 pm - A dinner in Gordon Mann Hall will follow a brief prayer service. Sign-up is in Gordon Mann Hall.
Tuesday, November 26
Charleston Community Thanksgiving, 7 pm at Second Presbyterian Church at 342 Meeting Street. A potluck dinner will follow and anyone is welcome to bring a side or dessert, but it is not required.
Wednesday, November 27
St. Mark's, Port Royal: 5 pm Thanksgiving Eve Service
Good Shepherd, Summerville: 6 pm Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist
Grace Church Cathedral, Charleston: 5:30 pm Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist
Thursday, November 28
Calvary, Charleston: 10 am Holy Eucharist
Grace Church Cathedral, Charleston: 10 am Choral Eucharist
Holy Cross Faith Memorial, Pawleys Island: 10 am Holy Eucharist
St. Stephens, North Myrtle Beach: 10 am Holy Eucharist with a Thanksgiving dinner to follow (check with church to sign up for what you will bring)
All Saints, Hilton Head Island: 3 pm - A dinner in Gordon Mann Hall will follow a brief prayer service. Sign-up is in Gordon Mann Hall.