December 19 - #AdventWord #Blessed
I have often heard the word “blessed” tossed around in the midst of good fortune, wealth and positive circumstances. It is harder to feel “blessed” when life brings us adversity and pain, if that is our framework. But more ancient understandings of this word include being made holy, consecrated and under God’s provision and protection. In the Jewish tradition, to bless means to increase in joy and peacefulness, trusting in God to reign over circumstances, good and bad. To be blessed from this perspective, is not a recognition of riches or special privilege, but rather a humble confession that we are not self-sufficient. If we are to consider these alternative meanings of the word, the Beatitudes of Jesus make more sense. Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are those who mourn. I have come to believe in my own faith journey, that we can find peaceful blessing even in times of trouble, knowing that those who are vulnerable, are under God’s watchful compassion and protection. God calls each of us to be agents of God’s care, especially to those who need a word of hope. During this Advent journey, as we watch and wait for the incarnation of hope into a suffering world, may we all make that humble confession and turn our hearts to being a blessing to others. —The Reverend Denise Trogdon serves as rector of All Saints Episcopal Church on Hilton Head Island, and she is also a member of Diocesan Council.
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#AdventWordAs part of this effort to create a global, online advent calendar -- led by Forward Movement -- we will share a new word each day from November 28-December 25, 2021, with meditations from people around the diocese. Each day, the meditation will be accompanied by an image relating to the word of the day as well. Archives
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